Thursday, November 29, 2012

Song for iMovie

iMovie Tutuorials

Friday, November 23, 2012

Friday, November 16, 2012

READ posters

Photo of the Week #5

I also took this picture in my backyard. It has an clear up close, and blurred far away effect. It's not very even picture, kind of slanted. I should have re taken the picture. Other than that it looks cool.

Friday, November 9, 2012

My Cut Outs

The orignal picture,

my picture. I just the magnetic lasso in Mac's program photoshop do do this cut. It's an easy way of cutting the picture because it stays close to the main part of the picture.  

Dave Black - Photographer Presentation

Photo of the Week #4

I took this in my backyard, it could've turned out a lot better but I still think it looks really cool. I got up close to the fence and took a medium long shot. The vines in the background look really cool too.